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Hello New Site

We have to say that we are proud in a way (and somewhat amazed!) that our original web site built in 2004, and modified though the years but still the essentially same static site, actually lasted all the way to 2015. We've been busy engraving, focusing on our customers, keeping a vigilant eye on what's going out the door...but it was time to rebuild, Nelly...time to say bye old site (sniff, sniff), hello new site (YAY!). Old-Site-New-SiteWe're excited to better serve you with our updated site. It is now easier than ever to order your favorite customized carabiners and keychains. With an improved shopping cart and checkout system we're hoping you have an easy and stress-free experience with us.

See something you love or maybe needs improvement? Let us know. We're growing and want to use your feedback to create a website you're happy to use. So have fun exploring our new website and let us know if we can help you create your order.

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